Scrape Finn ads for listings |
GetFinnAds.R |
N/A |
Is it healthy to look at houses we will never be able to afford? No. Is it fun? Yes. |
Dreamhouses.Rmd |
Dreamhouses.html |
Script to analyze price per square meter from current Finn ads |
Kvm_analysis.Rmd |
Kvm_analysis.html |
Collect and analyze historical data from SSB |
SSB_historical_data.Rmd |
SSB_historical_data.html |
Compare the Norwegian housing price development with Europe |
CompareCapitalCities.Rmd |
CompareCapitalCities.html |
Can Norwegians afford a house in Oslo? |
MortgageCalculations.Rmd |
MortgageCalculations.html |
What listings are currently available and what are their characteristics |
AnalyzeCurrentListings.Rmd |
AnalyzeCurrentListings.html |