Scripts and tools for analyzing the Oslo housing market

Below is a list of my scripts and reports on the Oslo housing market thus far. The items in the table below refer to both the script or Rmarkdown file (.Rmd) and the corresponding html files (where applicable).
Script Report
Scrape Finn ads for listings GetFinnAds.R N/A
Is it healthy to look at houses we will never be able to afford? No. Is it fun? Yes. Dreamhouses.Rmd Dreamhouses.html
Script to analyze price per square meter from current Finn ads Kvm_analysis.Rmd Kvm_analysis.html
Collect and analyze historical data from SSB SSB_historical_data.Rmd SSB_historical_data.html
Compare the Norwegian housing price development with Europe CompareCapitalCities.Rmd CompareCapitalCities.html
Can Norwegians afford a house in Oslo? MortgageCalculations.Rmd MortgageCalculations.html
What listings are currently available and what are their characteristics AnalyzeCurrentListings.Rmd AnalyzeCurrentListings.html